Jul 26-28, 2014
Video: mating by Phaenocora
Previous sample
This was taken when the water in this duck pond was fairly high and it had flooded into a long ditch running parallel to the highway. Here there were some stands of cattails and floating mats of algae, found to be Vaucheria. It was also home to very many dragonflies, damselflies, and small boreal chorus frogs.
The sample included some algae and plant fragments, on which there were many Hydra feeding on still more plentiful chydorids. What stood out most though were innumerable Volvox, easily visible to the eye until most disappeared on the third day. There were also various insect larvae, flatworms, and tadpole snails.
Smaller algae were likewise common, notably cyanobacteria, conjugating algae, and epiphytic diatoms. Ciliates were found throughout including Stylonychia and other spirotrichs, colepids, sessilids, and some larger dark types. Most rotifers were less abundant though Notommata and Asplanchnopus were reasonably widespread.
↬ Thanks to zoologist Dr. Alexander Kostenko for the identification of Gyratrix hermaphroditus, Phaenocora, and Mesostoma as well as confirmation of the other flatworms, and to phycologist Roman Romanov for the identification of Coelastrum.
Chlorophyta - about 11-14 µm wide
Chlorophyta - about 5 µm wide
Hydrodictyaceae, Diatomeae - about 40, 30 µm
Hydrodictyaceae - colony about 45 µm
Hydrodictyaceae - colony about 50 µm
Scenedesmaceae - about 13 µm
Volvox - colonies about 370-390, 660 µm
Litostomatea - about 140 µm
Spirotrichea - about 75 µm
Hypotrichidium - about 95 µm
Spirotrichea - about 85 µm
Spirotrichea - about 70 µm
Spirotrichea - about 130 µm
Spirotrichea - about 140 µm
Ciliophora - about 80 µm
Ciliophora - about 120 µm
Ciliophora - about 255 µm
Ciliophora - about 160 µm
Ciliophora - about 160 µm
Sessilida - about 65 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 75 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 75 µm
Diatomeae, Spirotrichea - about 80, 65 µm
Diatomeae - about 120 µm
Diatomeae - about 200 µm
Diatomeae - about 275 µm
Diatomeae - about 85 µm
Diatomeae - about 55 µm
Diatomeae - about 27, 140 µm
Diatomeae - about 20, 40 µm
Diatomeae - about 30, 90 µm
Diatomeae - cells about 30, 80 µm