Aug 5-6, 2012
At this point there had been a mix of hot days, and the creek was reasonably high and clean, without visible algae. The sample was taken from a slow and very shallow portion where many tiny fish had collected. This was mostly fine sediment with a few fragments of leaves and moss, topped off from the main stream.
The main living things were diatoms, mostly small rhomboid or lunate kinds followed by longer rods and Amphora. With these were some Closterium and small flagellates. Throughout the sample there were also a considerable diversity of Loxodes, flat spirotrichs, and ploimids, though no single type was very abundant.

Diatomeae - about 18 µm wide

Diatomeae - about 16, 115 µm

Diatomeae, Hydrodictyaceae - about 250, 35-40 µm

Diatomeae - about 35 µm, 11 µm wide

Diatomeae - about 18, 45 µm

Diatomeae - cells about 50 µm

Diatomeae - about 65 µm

Diatomeae - about 75 µm

Cosmarium - about 50, 24 µm

Diatomeae - about 55 µm

Diatomeae - about 75 µm

Diatomeae - about 26 µm

Diatomeae - about 18-30 µm

Diatomeae - about 45 µm

Ploima - body about 65 µm

Ploima - body about 90 µm

Ploima - body about 85 µm

Ploima - body about 85 µm

Ploima - body about 150 µm

Ploima - about 165 µm

Ploima - about 180 µm

Ploima - about 150 µm

Ploima - about 165 µm

Ploima - about 100 µm