May 26-28, 2018
Previous sample
At this point poplars were releasing their hairy seeds, carried by wind and blanketing most of the woods in white down. In the beaver pond there was as yet little vegetation, but in places these hairs combined with pine pollen to form floating brown scums of particles to lumps, which were collected with some water.
This was very rich in small diatoms and in ciliates, especially Stylonychia and other crawling spirotrichs, vorticellids, and to some extent Frontonia. A number of types were particularly associated with yellowish films, which formed after the first day when most of the down itself had sank to the bottom.
Rotifers were very abundant too, most notably small Ploima resembling Cephalodella along with some Euchlanis, Lepadella, and so on. Arcellids and euglenoids were also fairly common. Larger animals included cyclopoids and Simocephalus among others; the pond itself also had ramshorn and pond snails.
↬ Thanks to Bruce Taylor, author of It Came from the Pond, for the identification of Amphileptus.
Cyanobacteria - about 17 µm wide
Cyanobacteria, Diatomeae - about 60, 25-85 µm
Cyanobacteria, Diatomeae - about 5 µm wide
Pleurostomatida - about 45 µm
Pleurostomatida - about 75 µm
Pleurostomatida - about 110 µm
Ciliophora - about 70 µm
Ciliophora - about 90 µm
Ciliophora - about 23, 40 µm
Spirotrichea - about 60 µm
Spirotrichea - about 80 µm
Spirotrichea - about 60 µm
Spirotrichea - about 55, 75 µm
Spirotrichea - about 90 µm
Ciliophora - about 85 µm
Ciliophora - about 75 µm
Phyllopharyngea - about 55 µm
Phyllopharyngea - about 70 µm
Phyllopharyngea - about 80 µm
Ciliophora - about 24, 27 µm
Ciliophora - about 105 µm
Sessilida - about 65 µm
Sessilida - about 90 µm
Sessilida - body about 45 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 50 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 60 µm
Vorticellidae - bodies about 55, 65 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 80 µm
Vorticellidae - bodies about 90, 105 µm
Diatomeae - about 40 µm
Diatomeae - about 30-45 µm
Diatomeae - about 24-85, 115 µm
Diatomeae - to about 70 µm
Diatomeae - about 215 µm
Diatomeae - about 30 µm
Diatomeae - about 25-40 µm
Diatomeae - about 70 µm
Diatomeae - about 30-35, 75 µm
Diatomeae - about 35, 65 µm
Diatomeae - about 100 µm
Diatomeae - about 150 µm
Besides the types pictured here there was also an Adineta.