May 10-13, 2014
Previous sample
This was from the same marsh visited before and again taken between the slope of dry grass and dead cattail stands. But some new shoots were emerging, and among the many water striders and beetles there were a few floating plants, namely some wrinkled strings of Ulva and smaller duckweed. These were included in the sample along with grass and debris from below.
Besides the larger strings there were also filamentous clumps, mostly pale and fine, but also some that were coarse and multiseriate. The latter were presumably smaller Ulva since they had similar side branches, and diatoms were particularly common on them, though many also occurred throughout the sample.
Small crustaceans were also very common throughout, including cyclopoids, ostracods, and some Simocephalus. There were also abundances of blue Stentor, colepids, and Trachelomonas, along with other ciliates and euglenids. Rotifers too were well-represented, particularly by Notholca and soft-bodied types.
Ciliophora - about 130 µm
Ciliophora - about 85 µm
Ciliophora - about 90 µm
Ciliophora - about 30 µm
Spirotrichea - about 60 µm
Spirotrichea - about 75 µm
Spirotrichea - about 85 µm
Ciliophora - about 160 µm
Ciliophora - about 55 µm
Ciliophora, Diatomeae - about 35, 75 µm
Ciliophora - about 25 µm
Sessilida - about 40-45 µm wide
Sessilida - about 60 µm wide
Sessilida - body about 23 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 75 µm
Vorticellidae - body about 100 µm
Diatomeae - about 21 µm
Diatomeae - about 27 µm
Diatomeae - about 22, 40 µm
Diatomeae - about 22 µm wide
Diatomeae - about 35 µm wide
Diatomeae - about 27, 85 µm
Diatomeae - about 95 µm
Diatomeae - about 22, 40, 125 µm
Diatomeae - about 235 µm
Diatomeae - about 25, 265 µm
Diatomeae - about 10, 20-35, 50 µm
Diatomeae - about 70 µm
Diatomeae - about 95 µm
Thin filament, green cells - about 5 µm wide, 5-6 µm
Thin filament - about 7 µm wide
Brown filament - about 12 µm wide
Scavengers in
Keratella shell - about 10-14 µm
Small heliozoan-like - body about 25 µm
Coiled spore - about 22 µm